Warmly celebrate the successful completion of the 600000t MTO plant and 100000 t butadiene plant EM + P project of Nanjing Chengzhi Yongqing

热烈庆祝我司参与的南京诚志永清60万吨MTO装置及10万吨丁二烯装置EM+P项目顺利完工,此次项目设备数量多达40多台,我司严格按照相关标准进行设计、制造、检验,在该批设备的制造过程中,我司人员团结一致,克服了设备数量多、质量要求高、交货期紧以及天气炎热等种种困难,最终按时交货,获得了承包商高度的认可跟好评。Warmly celebrate the successful completion of the 600000t MTO plant and 100000 t butadiene plant EM + P project of Nanjing Chengzhi Yongqing

(图1)Warmly celebrate the successful completion of the 600000t MTO plant and 100000 t butadiene plant EM + P project of Nanjing Chengzhi Yongqing

(图2)Warmly celebrate the successful completion of the 600000t MTO plant and 100000 t butadiene plant EM + P project of Nanjing Chengzhi Yongqing

(图3)Warmly celebrate the successful completion of the 600000t MTO plant and 100000 t butadiene plant EM + P project of Nanjing Chengzhi Yongqing

(图4)Warmly celebrate the successful completion of the 600000t MTO plant and 100000 t butadiene plant EM + P project of Nanjing Chengzhi Yongqing

(图5)Warmly celebrate the successful completion of the 600000t MTO plant and 100000 t butadiene plant EM + P project of Nanjing Chengzhi Yongqing

(图6)Warmly celebrate the successful completion of the 600000t MTO plant and 100000 t butadiene plant EM + P project of Nanjing Chengzhi Yongqing

(图7)Warmly celebrate the successful completion of the 600000t MTO plant and 100000 t butadiene plant EM + P project of Nanjing Chengzhi Yongqing

(图8)Warmly celebrate the successful completion of the 600000t MTO plant and 100000 t butadiene plant EM + P project of Nanjing Chengzhi Yongqing
